Counseling Information

My KYOTO office is located in the Kamitakano area of Sakyo-ku, Kyoto (京都左京区上高野). It is a 10-15 minute walk from both the Kokusaikaikan (国際会館) station on the Kurasuma subway line and the Takaragaike (宝ヶ池) station on the Eizan train line. I am in my Kyoto office on Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, and two Saturdays a month.  My OSAKA office is in the Tennoji (天王寺) station area. I am in my Osaka office on Mondays and Tuesdays.

MAKING AN APPOINTMENT: If you are interested in receiving psychotherapy, please contact me for an appointment and please ask any questions you may have.

PERSONAL INFORMATION FORM: After an appointment is set, I will send you a personal information form. The purpose of this form is for you to tell me information about your situation, concern that brings you to psychotherapy, and your relevant personal information. There are many questions on the form. You don’t have to answer out all the questions, only the ones that you think the answers will be helpful for me to know.

LICENSE INFORMATION: If you have any questions about Reginald Pawle’s two licenses, you may get information on the California license through the California (USA) Department of Consumer Affairs at: – and you may get information on the Hawaii license through the State of Hawaii (USA) Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs at: My Hawaii license is currently inactive.


Counseling is a process in which a counselor assists a person in discovering their own solutions to difficulties that they have. Counseling is NOT a counselor telling a person what the counselor thinks the client should do. Counseling focuses on a person’s psychological experience – their inner experience that is behind their social face, their subjective experience – and on their behavior in daily life.

The following are important for successful counseling:

CONFIDENTIALITY: The basis of all counseling is confidentiality. This means that, with limited exceptions, both all information I learn about people and the fact that they are participating in counseling is confidential. This means I do not tell anyone else about a person’s participation in counseling and their personal information that I learn. Please see the Policies and Confidentiality page on this website for more detailed information on this fundamental part of counseling.

FOCUS: A person’s behavior in specific situations, thoughts, feelings, body sensations, behavior urge, what a person does in relationship to specific people, memories, view of their future, their beliefs – meanings – and interpretations, and their sense of self.

MOTIVATION: A person needs to carefully consider what is their motivation for their behavior. Openness to consider their motivation is required. Motivation can include a wide range of concerns, including attachments, fears, ego concerns, jealousy, pride, envy, power, and others.

SELF-REFLECTION: A person needs to be willing to look at themselves clearly for psychotherapy to be successful. A person needs to be able to focus on what they are doing that contributes to the problem rather than to focus on what other people are doing. A person needs to not blame the other person (or people), but rather to be able to wish other people well and to focus on what they need to do to resolve the difficulty (difficulties).


  1. A) The clearer you can be about your goals for psychotherapy, the better the chances are that you will be satisfied with the result. Please carefully consider your goals and keep me informed as to how therapy is progressing for you.
  2. B) It is important to be committed to your goals. The stronger your commitment to your goals is, the more likely therapy will be successful. People often need to make sacrifices to realize their goals. Commitment to your goals will guide you through the process of realizing your goals.

LISTENING: A person needs to listen and try to understand other people’s perspectives on their behavior and the difficulties that are occurring. A person needs to be able to receive suggestions and criticisms without getting defensive.

HONESTY: A foundation and necessary part of any successful psychotherapy is honesty. I request that all clients participate in psychotherapy honestly and sincerely, without any secrets or withholding of significant information.


(1) The first step is awareness of the difficulty – awareness of all of the aspects and interconnections of the difficulty and its consequences for the person having the difficulty. Awareness of the difficulty includes being able to be fully aware, without reacting to, the difficulty.

(2) The second step is learning antidotes for the difficulty.

(3) The third step is practicing the antidotes in daily life.


To be effective, psychotherapy generally takes at least three (3) sessions. I offer two types of psychotherapy plus coaching for those who interested in that.

Psychotherapy (A): Personal character work

In-depth exploration of personal issues. This is needed when problem(s) re-occur   and focusing on a specific issue is not sufficient to resolve the problem(s). The time length averages weekly or bi-weekly sessions for 6-12 months and sometimes longer.

Psychotherapy (B): Short term issue specific work

Brief therapy work, focusing on a particular issue. The purpose is to understand             and find practical solutions to a specific issue. The time length is 3-10 sessions.

Coaching (C):

Consultations and advice regarding specific life situations. Sessions are as requested. Coaching is different than psychotherapy.


(1) Listen to each other and try to understand their perspective, paying attention to cultural influences

(2) Make some simple requests for the partner to do

(3) Start to build positives in daily life – shared goals and positive interactions

(4) Practice problem-solving skills

(5) Practice communication skills

MODALITIES USED: I use two therapeutic modalities in my work. They are inquiry and experiential. Inquiry is the use of conversation, questions, genograms, thought records, and others to explore together an issue. Experiential is the use of communication work, somatic work, role plays, visualization, empty chair work, and others to access and experience an issue and its resolution in a deeper and fuller way.








行動に及ぶための動機が何であるかを考慮する必要があります。 動機には、さまざまな懸念が含まれ、執着、恐れ、自我の心配、嫉妬、自尊心、うらやみ、権力などガあります。動機を考慮するには、開放性が必要です。


心理療法を成功させるためには、自分自身をはっきりと自覚してる必要があります。 自分に集中することが必要です。相手には集中せず、相手を責めず、その中でも他の誰かを思い、問題に着目し困難を解決するために必要なことに集中できるようにする必要があります。


A)心理療法の目標について明確になればなるほど、結果を満足できる可能性が高まります。 あなたの目標を慎重に検討し、カウンセリングを進めます。クライアントにカウンセリングの効果が、どのようにあるかをカウンセラーに知らせて下さい。

B)クライアントが目標に関わりを持続すること重要です。 クライアントの目標に対しクライアントのが関わる気持ちが強いほど、カウンセリングが成功する可能性が高くなります。 人は、自分のことを理解するために犠牲を払う必要があります。 クライアントの目標への関わる力で、目標を実現するプロセスが生まれ、クライアントを目標が達成につながっていきます。


心理療法が成功するための基盤と必要な部分は誠実さです。 カウンセラーは、すべてのクライアントが秘密をもたず、誠実にセラピーに参加することを要求しています。


人は自分以外の相手の行動や直面している困難についての見方を聞き、理解しようとする必要があります。 人は、擁護せずに批判を受け入れ、相手からの提案を受け取る必要があります。


(1)最初のステップは、困難対する意識 。難しさと、その難しさを持つ人への影響のすべての側面と相互関係の認識することです。 (2)次のステップは、難しさに対する解決策を学ぶことです。 (3)第三段階は、日常生活の中で解決策を使えるようにを練習することです。


心理療法が効果的であるために、一般的に少なくとも3つのセッションを行います。 私は2種類の心理療法とコーチングを提供します。

心理療法(A):個人的な問題の詳細な調査 。特定の 問題について、問題だけに焦点を当てるだけでは問題を解決できません。 カウンセリングの時間は、毎週1回時には週に2回のセッションの平均です。6から12ヶ月の時間が必要です。

心理療法(B):短期的な問題に特化した作業。特定の問題に焦点を当てた簡単なカウンセリング。特定の問題に対する実用的な解決策を理解して見つけることが目的です。 期間は3〜10回のセッションです。


カップルカウンセリング: (1)カップル一人一人の文化に注意を向けながら、お互いに耳を傾け、それぞれの見方を理解するように努めます。 (2)クライアントがお互いに簡単な依頼をする。(3)日常生活の中で肯定的なものを作り、共有された目標と肯定的な相互作用を作る。(4)問題解決能力を実践する。 (5)コミュニケーションスキルの習得する。


私は自分の研究から2つの治療法を使用しています。 その2つは探究と経験です。

探究: カウンセラーとクライアントの対話、質問、ジェノグラム、思考記録などの使用します。経験からのコミニュケーション作業やエクササイズ、役割を使いクライアントと共に問題を探求します。

経験: 問題にアクセスして体験するためのロールプレーイ、ビジュアライゼーション、空の椅子技法などを使いより深く、完全に解決していくことに努めます。